Part of the series of tacos in the June Cooking Light. Would eat again (we did). Huevos Rancheros Tacos recipe
fresh salsa and guacamole recipes
Since we’ve moved, we haven’t found a salsa we love, so we decided to make our own. We’ve heard how good fresh salsa is and now whole-heartedly agree. It will be difficult to eat something out of the jar ever again. savannah swears she saw color photos of salsa made in a Kitchen Aid food…
grilled spicy cilantro chicken, naan pizza
The April Southern Living had several recipes that utilized the leftovers for another similar yet different dish. We’ve made this chicken twice and it’s just as good as we remembered it being the first. Lucky for you, you can find the recipe here. Would eat four times next week. One of our favorites.
On one of our Ikea runs a couple of months ago, savannah spotted these super fun little pots and exclaimed that they must be the home for her herbs this year. We waited a while to get them until it was closer to herb planting time (and we didn’t have so much unboxing to do)….