Back in mid-May, we noticed a couple of humming birds in our backyard, so of course we ran out a bought a couple of feeders. At first, we just put one up to see how they would take to it. Loved it. There were two birds–a green one we named Ricky and a red one we named Lucy. They played and chased and drank together. Then there was a third bird, Fred… and then all of a sudden there were eight birds and then twelve and who knows how many we have now. There are millions and they drink approximately 32 oz of syrup a day = about a bag of sugar a week. Whew! They’re so fun to watch playing all around, perching on the lights and trees and all seem to be pretty friendly–it’s not uncommon for three or four to drink from the same feeder at once. This weekend we saw five on the same feeder!
Thanks for sharing these great pictures. You two are doing a WAY better job of keeping their tanks full
than Irma & I ever seemed to do. Maybe we will try again
one day.