Since we’ve moved, we haven’t found a salsa we love, so we decided to make our own. We’ve heard how good fresh salsa is and now whole-heartedly agree. It will be difficult to eat something out of the jar ever again. savannah swears she saw color photos of salsa made in a Kitchen Aid food grinder, but after much time spent searching, all we were able to find was a text recipe in the black and white food grinder booklet. Enter more time sifting through salsa recipes, trying to come up with the right balance of fresh and refreshing.
We finally ended up with this recipe and LOVED it. Seriously, you should make it immediately and often.
If you don’t have a food grinder, a food processor or lots of time dicing with a knife will work, too. We really liked how evenly all the ingredients processed and that there weren’t giant chunks of anything, especially garlic, so if you have a food grinder–go for it!
Click here to view/download the fresh salsa recipe.
We also made a guacamole. Click here to view/download the guacamole recipe.
Again, did we mention how absolutely delicious this was?
It tastes best when made fresh and refrigerated for about an hour, but will keep for days. The onion and garlic flavors come out more as it ages.